A selection of Wandering Cow Farm soaps (Photo courtesy Wandering Cow Farms)
Wandering Cow Farm: Charles City
History: First came chickens and cows, then goats and herbs. Nearly 20 years later, you’ll find that Mary Murphy and her family have transformed their farm into a sustainable livestock and fiber farm, where they make a variety of goods.
Specialties: When her daughter developed a skin condition, Murphy took matters into her own hands. “The natural progression was to start with soap — and then our herd just kept growing.” The farm produces wool products as well as herb, tea and goat’s milk soaps, including one made using Hardywood Singel.
Production methods: The soap and wool products are all produced on the farm from Murphy’s sheep and goat herd. If an ingredient is needed that Murphy doesn’t have, she makes sure to source only local products.
Where to find in RVA: Urban Farmhouse Market & Café, South of the James Farmers Market, The Farmers Market at St. Stephen’s, and First Fridays.