Photo courtesy of Whispering Winds Farm
Location: Green Bay
History: Steve Swartz is part of the first generation in his family that didn't grow up on a farm. A friend persuaded him to look at an old horse farm, and since his wife, Caren, owned and rode horses, he decided to buy the property. The couple started out teaching riding and boarding horses. Some animals had conveyed with the sale of the farm, including cows, chickens and goats. Steve says he had an epiphany when he realized how much better grass-fed cows tasted.
Specialty: Currently, Whispering Winds raises cattle, both pure-bred Romagnolas and a Romagnola/Angus mix. (Romagnola is an old Italian breed, originally raised as a work animal.) They also have 15 breeds of chickens for both eggs and meat, turkeys, ducks and Gloucester Old Spot pigs. This year, with the assistance of a former farmer from Cripple Creek Farms, they will also grow a variety of seasonal vegetables.
Production Methods: Free range, grass-fed, without hormones, antibiotics, pesticides or commercial fertilizer.
Where to get it in RVA: South of the James market year-round; Midlothian Mines Farmers Market seasonally.