A vegetarian since the age of 16, Brenda Morris is part of the volunteer team working on the region's sixth annual vegetarian festival, to be held on June 20, from noon to 6 p.m., at Bryan Park's Azalea Gardens. The overarching goal of the event, she explains, is to educate people about vegetarianism: "It's better for their health, and for the environment," says Morris, who expects more than 100 vendors to be on hand. She estimates that about 5,000 people attended the event last year.
In addition to restaurants with booths offering African, Asian, Indian, Mediterranean and other cuisines (Caffespresso, Cous Cous and Ginger Thai Taste are a few of the confirmed participants), the fest is bringing out groups such as Glenmore Yoga, United Poultry Concerns and the Vegetarian Resource Group. Ipanema Café's Chris Rubenstein and chef Nancy Cohen (formerly of Zed Café) will present food demonstrations, and Ben Shaberman will be on hand to sign his book The Vegan Monologues. While you're enjoying your tofu burger, you can listen to local bands such as Antero, the Moogly Blues and the Superglue Gandhis. For more information, visit veggiefest.org.