Photo courtesy Shalom Farms
Location: Goochland History: Shalom Farms is a nonprofit community farm project of United Methodist Urban Ministries of Richmond that was begun in 2008 to help address food access issues in urban Richmond. In 2013, Shalom Farms has grown more than 35,000 pounds for FeedMore, the umbrella organization for Meals on Wheels and the Central Virginia Food Bank. They partner to manage youth-run farm stands in areas of low access and, with the Creighton Resource Center and Bon Secours, participate in a program that prescribes produce to residents of Creighton Court. Specialty: Filling the gaps in the local food system to improve and promote access to healthy food for all. Production Methods: Sustainable organic growing techniques (though non-certified). Where to get it in RVA: Seasonally available throughout low-income communities, including weekly at La Plaza Market, Neighborhood Resource Center and Creighton Court, and monthly at Hillside Court and Richmond Community Hospital. Select items are available at Ellwood Thompson's Local Market and periodically at restaurants such as Station 2 and Mezzanine. Future Plans: Shalom Farm wants to expand the produce prescription plan to new communities, enrich educational opportunities and develop a large-scale farm in the heart of urban Richmond. Shalom Farms 1033 Rock Castle Road,Goochland, 592-6151 or shalomfarms.org