Owners: Alec and Sarah Bradford Location: Alleghany Springs History: Alec Bradford learned how to farm from his grandfather, while growing up in Murfreesboro, Tenn. Today, with the help of his wife, Sarah, and their four young children, Bradford ships organic meat and produce from his 600-acre farm to restaurants along the East Coast. Specialty: Bradford raises Ancient White Park cattle, a breed that dates back 2,000 years. First prized by the British royal family, its fat is high in omega-3 fatty acids. "It's equivalent in health to eating trout, and it tastes incredible," says Bradford, whose 260-head are some of only 2,400 Ancient White Parks worldwide. They also raise heritage turkeys, chickens and Large Black hogs. Production Methods: "We make sure we have new grasses coming up year-round," says Bradford. Leaping Waters takes part in CSAs in the Roanoke area, D.C., and Southwest Virginia. Bradford, who passes through Richmond regularly, is currently seeking an opportunity to expand the farm's CSA involvement here. Where to get it in RVA: Purchase dry-aged beef cut to your specifications by the pound, and whole pigs and birds straight from the farm. Local restaurants Pasture and Comfort purchase hogs from Leaping Waters, as well as using its organic beef in dishes like steak tartare and hamburgers. Leaping Waters Farm (540) 268-5498, info@leapingwat ersfarm.com , leapingwaters farm.com Pasture 416 E. Grace St., 780-0416, pastureva.com