Produce from Deer Run Farm at the Byrd House Market Photo by Patricia J. Parks
17th Street Farmers' Market Market manager George Bolos promises a beefed-up product line for 2011, with Virginia-raised meat, locally grown produce, arts and crafts, and plenty of special events throughout the season: May 7 through Dec. 3, Saturdays and Sundays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Thursdays from May 7 through Oct. 21, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. 100 N. 17th St. 646-0477 or richmondgov.com/farmersmarket . Ashland Farmer's Market Because of an expansion, the market's new location is behind the Municipal Building (101 Thompson St.), adjacent to the Duncan Street parking lot. The market carries baked goods, eggs, meat, produce, flowers and honey, all from within 30 miles of Ashland. New market manager Trevor Buckley plans to continue the traditions of local music and three children's markets, with dates to be determined. The market is open May 7 through Oct. 29, Saturdays, 9 a.m. to noon. 798-9219 or town.ashland.va.us . Brandermill Green Market This 2-year-old market is operating in a larger, more visible site in 2011: Market Square Shopping Center at the corner of Hull Street and Old Hundred roads. You'll find fresh vegetables, organic and grass-fed beef, pork and chicken, eggs, homemade pasta and sauces, alpaca yarn, oils, and spices. The market is open from April 2 through the end of October, Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. until Memorial Day, then 8 a.m. to noon. 744-7326 or brandermill.com . Byrd House Market Held through William Byrd Community House, the market, along with the Grace Arents Community Garden and Byrd House Farmlet, provides nutritional and educational programs for the community as well as for its early childhood and after-school kids and their families. Along with the Byrd House Renegade Market from November through April, the regular season market offers local fruits, vegetables, dairy products, baked items and many other local goods from May 3 through Oct. 25, Tuesdays, 3:30 to 7 p.m. at 224 S. Cherry St. 643-2717 or byrdhousemarket.blogspot.com . Chesterfield Farmers Market This market is new this year at the Huguenot Road entrance to Chesterfield Towne Center. It includes bread, meat, eggs, coffee, honey, soaps, herbs, plants, arts, crafts and jewelry; everything is made, grown or produced by vendors in Virginia. The market will also have a community circle with three tents: one for book swaps, a children's activity tent and a community tent providing useful tips and information on various services from health and safety to gardening. (Click here to read an article about the Chesterfield market.) The market runs April 1 through Dec. 2, every Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 502-4767 or chesterfieldfarmersmarket.blogspot.com . Huguenot-Robious Farmer's Market All food and other items are produced in the state. The market is open April 7 through Oct. 27, Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at The Great Big Greenhouse & Nursery, 2051 Huguenot Road. 320-1317 or greatbiggreenhouse.com . Lakeside Farmers' Market Customers can find different types of cheese, produce, meats, baked goods, honey, eggs and handmade items from local artists. The market at 6110 Lakeside Ave. is open April 2 through Dec. 24 in the pavilion. It will then move inside Lakeside Towne Center for its second winter market. The hours are Wednesdays from 8 a.m. to noon and 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon. 262-6593 or lakesidefarmersmarket.net . Market at St. Stephen's Between 35 and 40 vendors offer locally pastured beef, eggs, vegetables, Norwood Cottage Bakery bread, free-range chickens, flowers, cheese, honey, soaps, herbal products, Virginia wines, arts and crafts, and dog treats. Activities planned include cooking demonstrations by local food bloggers, along with community events and live music. The market is open May 7 through Oct. 29, Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, 6000 Grove Ave. 288-2867 or saintstephensrichmond.net . Monument Market At this Fan District market, which started in 2010, scheduled vendors will offer jellies, fruits and vegetables and various kinds of meat. The market is open May 7 through Oct. 8, Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon at the corner of Monument Avenue and Robinson Street. 358-2977 or fbcrichmond.com . My Manakin Market The market, run by Lisa Dearden, former executive director of the Center for Rural Culture, is making its debut in 2011 at the Bank of Essex, 68 Broad Street Road, just west of Short Pump. Vendors will sell a variety of meats, cheeses, heirloom vegetables, flowers and traditional artisan craft items such as blown glass and pottery. Also on tap: children's activities, chef demonstrations and other special events. The market is open from May 7 to Oct. 29, Saturdays, 8 a.m. to noon. 314-9141 or chiknegg.com . South of the James Market Starting this year, all items sold will be handmade or homegrown (or raised) by the vendor in Virginia. May 7 through Dec. 3. Saturdays, 8 a.m. to noon at Forest Hill Park, 42nd St and Forest Hill Ave. sojmarket.com . South-er of the James Market After shifting from the former North of the James Market in Bryan Park, the new south-of-the-river location will include children's programs and special events along with local goods and produce. The market is open April 6 through Oct. 26, Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. at 4910 Forest Hill Ave. sojmarket.com . West End Farmers Market Market manager Kris Riley tells us it will be "bigger and better than ever," with the addition of a new fruit vendor that will supply fresh berries, watermelon and cantaloupe. Other products include meat, pasta, bread and vegetables. The market at 12450 Gayton Road is open April 30 through Nov. 7 on Saturdays, 8 a.m. to noon; Wednesdays, 3 to 6:30 p.m. 564-9989 or westendfarmersmarket.com .