Julia "Reese" Klauer, 8 (pictured with Wesley Berry, another brain cancer survivor), underwent 30 days of radiation therapy two years ago as part of her brain cancer treatment at VCU Massey Cancer Center. Because radiation delivery requires patients to be perfectly still, young children generally receive anesthesia before treatment. Reese's mother, Sherry Klauer, spearheaded the opening in March of a family-friendly recovery room, named Reese's Room in honor of her daughter. "It's tough for little kids to be out in the main waiting room," says Dr. Mitchell Anscher, chairman of Massey's department of radiation oncology. "Anything we can do to make it easier for them I think is a good thing … We're very grateful to Sherry and everyone in the community who helped us to create a better experience for children and their families with the addition of this room."