Dr. John M. O'Bannon III, now in his eighth year as a state delegate, represents House District 73, covering parts of Henrico County and Richmond. The Republican lawmaker is also a standout neurologist, winning high marks from his peers in our 2008 Top Docs survey.
Patricia S. "Pat" O'Bannon preceded husband John in politics when she was elected to the Henrico County Board of Supervisors in 1995. Representing the Tuckahoe District, she has served as the body's chair and is currently co-chair.
Jay Stegmaier , was appointed Chesterfield County administrator in August 2007, replacing Lane Ramsey, who held the job for 20 years before retiring. Stegmaier should have the county playbook memorized, though — he's been there since 1979, including 10 years as a deputy administrator.
Virgil R. Hazelett , Henrico County manager since 1992, has overseen booming growth in the suburban locality's economy and its population, which is the second-largest (behind Chesterfield) in the Richmond region.
Annie M. Mickens , a 22-year veteran of the Petersburg City Council and a high-school math teacher for 30 years, was appointed by fellow Council members to a third mayoral term in early January. Mickens represents the city's 5th Ward.
Dwight C. Jones came to office in January as the second at-large mayor of Richmond since the city switched to a strong-mayor form of government four years ago. Jones has experience as both a state lawmaker and a church pastor.
Jennifer L. McClellan , a 36-year-old state delegate representing House District 71 (parts of Richmond and Henrico), is among the legislature's new guard. An attorney for communications giant Verizon, McClellan serves as a whip for the House Democratic Caucus.
Dan Gecker began his term as a Chesterfield County supervisor in January 2008 and represents the Midlothian District. Having served on the locality's planning commission from 2000 to 2007, he's no stranger to the county's long view for growth and development.
Charles R. Samuels comes to Richmond City Council this year as the only non-incumbent member, at least for now. An attorney handling juvenile-court cases and disability law, the 32-year-old (33 in March) is also one of the region's youngest elected officials.