Put Marty Dussling at the top of the guest list for your next party, but no need to accessorize. If you provide the munchies, she'll bring the bling. Through her jewelry company, Southern Sparkle (named to reflect the Swarovski crystals she puts in each piece), Dussling sells items from her current inventory or makes custom designs on the spot for partygoers. Get-togethers can even be hosted at her historic Near West End house if you don't want to deal with the preparation (or the inevitable cleanup). "Someone will say, ‘I like this watch, but I want this face,' and I'm happy to change it for them," she says. She makes earrings, necklaces and bracelets, but her most popular items are her sterling-silver beaded watches. For more information, call 545-0556 or visit southernsparkle.com .