Dr. Gregory P. Moore, partner at James River Obstetrics and Gynecology, is not just an expert on babies. Moore started exploring computer programming in high school and began tinkering last summer with how to combine his two interests. The result was iPregnancy, an application he wrote for the iPhone that allows women to monitor their pregnancies from start to finish. Three-D fetal and ultrasound photos are updated each week. "It's fun to page through to see how the baby changes, a diagram of the baby growing in your tummy, and you can zoom in on photos," Moore says. The app gives user-friendly doses of information on the baby's growth, estimated weight and height, and notes on what the mother-to-be should be experiencing (it even includes tips for the father's mental health). It also provides a central hub for the user to store questions for her doctor and keep a gauge on healthy weight gain. Moore has already sold about 70,000 copies of his program at $3.99 a pop. To find out more, visit ipregnancyapp.com.