Pro Putters
You think Tiger Woods is good? At last year's Professional Putters Association National Championship, held at Midlothian's Putt-Putt Fun Center (272-4373), winner Kevin Lacey was 148 under par after 12 rounds. Check out the action yourself from June 20-21 at the Eastern Open, which is held at the same site.
Outdoor Movies
Every Friday night, the MacArthur Avenue location of Once Upon a Vine (726-9463 or hosts a free wine-and-beer tasting from 5:30 to 8 p.m. that rolls into movie watching. "I just didn't want the big wall to go to waste," says owner Rob Kocher. Bring your own lawn chair.
Hot Rod Rally
If you're feeling some American Graffiti-style nostalgia, head to the Saturday cruise-in of the Southern Knights Cruisers ( at the Chester Hardee's, 1901 W. Hundred Road. Organizer Wayne Bausch says between 150 to 200 cars, trucks and motorcycles participate: "Some of them are vintage hot rods, and some are the newest sports model." The event runs every Saturday through September from 5 to 9 p.m., weather permitting.
A Heavenly Sound
If you want to hear a joyful noise raised to the heavens, look no further than Church Hill's United House of Prayer for All People (236-1000). The congregation's United House of Prayer for All People's Brass Band has gained attention due to its unscheduled appearances on street corners in the warmer months, and they're a regular part of 11 a.m. Sunday services.