I have this idea that if you have perfect, cute storage boxes, your whole world can become organized, and you will never misplace anything again. I know this is wishful thinking, but some snappy organizational tools can make cleaning up more fun. These little felt boxes are easy to sew and are perfect for small storage and kids' rooms.
1. Pick out your felt Choose two different colors of wool felt. You can find it sold by the yard at many
fabric stores.
2. Measure and cut felt Lay out the two colors of felt on a flat surface, one on top of the other. Place the outside box color on the bottom and the inside color on top. Then decide what size and shape you want to make your box. Use a ruler to measure the walls for your box (they should all be the same height) and use a pen to mark the outline. When you cut out your box, leave an additional 1/4 inch of fabric on both edges of each wall (that will become the strip of fabric that is poking out when you are finished).
3. Sew your box together You can either use a sewing machine or sew the box by hand. Gather two sides of the walls together and sew along the edge leaving 1/4 inch of fabric to form the outside seam. Do the same thing with the other three wall edges. Next you will sew along the top of your box, about a 1/4 inch down, on all four walls to join your two pieces of felt together.
Karen Guard is the blogger behind Darling Octopus. In each issue she tackles a new do-it-yourself project for R•Home