I’ve always been enchanted by oyster chandeliers—their pearlescent, bumpy surfaces, natural forms and Southern appeal.
These chandeliers can have steep price tags, and, in most cases, rightfully so. They’re labor-intensive to make. Perhaps that’s why DIYers are drawn to creating them on their own.
But be warned. Crafting these chandeliers can be a big challenge. They require more than 75 cleaned oyster shells for a simple design, lots of careful drilling and plenty of patience with painstaking stringing.
You can save the time and effort and get all the good looks with this oyster shell chandelier I just came across at 3rd Floor Store. It’s $175.
I love how this chandelier pairs shells with crystal drops. It’s an intriguing and appealing mix.
3rd Floor Store is located at 1123 Gaskins Road. Store hours are Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.