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Table markers at wedding receptions serve a functional duty by showing guests their seating assignments, but they also can spotlight the newlywed couple's style and story. We offer four ideas that bring a little conversation to the table.
You're on your way! But before you go down the aisle, photograph street signs of significance: your childhood neighborhoods, the street where you got engaged, or Richmond's historic avenues. Then display the photos in a frame, map out the tables on escort cards, and your guests will never lose their seats.
Whether it's your first kiss, first date or first road trip, you've probably saved something special from that moment. Open your keepsake box and put the items on display. Personalize the vessel even more with a note to your guests that will surely spark memories of their own.
Family Tree
When you marry one (insert fiancé's last name), you marry the whole family.So why not get to know them? After a little research, simply write the surnames of past generations from both families on card stock, hang them from natural or man-made trees, and mix it up.
Favorite Books
Does your relationship read like a book? If so, what book? Display your favorite novels with stenciled numbers on them or on a handmade paper jacket in your color scheme. Mark your favorite excerpts, and your guests will be exchanging literary thoughts all night.