Reservoir Distillery making hand sanitizer (Photo by Nick Davis courtesy Reservoir Distillery)
Helen’s manager Claire Tuite, a longtime volunteer for River City Medic Collective, transformed the restaurant into a drop-off point for supply drives. While RCMC distributes medical items to disenfranchised Richmonders, Tuite also works with Richmond Mutual Aid to issue cleaning products, diapers and food to those without transportation.
Restaurant Adarra
Rather than transition to takeout fare after COVID-19 shuttered Restaurant Adarra’s dining room, husband-and-wife team Randall and Lyne Doetzer turned to wine delivery. Using profits from deliveries, the Doetzers are providing free or reduced-cost groceries to their staff, as well as much-needed business to suppliers.
Reservoir Distillery
When antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer were nonexistent in stores — or exorbitantly priced — Reservoir Distillery gifted 10 ounces per person of house-distilled, microbial-killing liquid gold. Tips collected were donated to the Holli Fund, which aids restaurant workers.
Kabob Place
Filling out unemployment or CARES forms is challenging, but if English is your second language, navigating benefits can be even harder. Kabob Place helps answer questions via Facebook. Chef-manager Shawn Munir also offers free-meal days for first responders, elderly and the food insecure.
Chocolates by Kelly
Chocolatier Kelly Wombold answered RVA Makers’ call for a laser cutter to shape clear PETG polymer into face-shielding personal protective equipment. Now, she is using her Chocolates by Kelly expertise and her laser cutter’s 14-by-16-inch bed to cut and assemble lifesaving equipment.