Single-Family Homes
Average sales price: $468,978 (+11.2%)
Percentage of original list price received: 101.5% (+0.2%)
Days on the market until sale: Now, 23; Then, 26
Change in closed sales: -6.4%
Median sales price: $406,495 (+11.4%)
Inventory of homes for sale in March: 984 (-5.5% over March 2023)
Months’ supply of inventory in March: 1.2 (+9.1% over March 2023)
Condos & Townhouses
Average sales price: $392,129 (+17.7%)
Percentage of original list price received: 100.5% (-0.3%)
Days on the market until sale: Now, 35; Then, 24
Change in closed sales: +0.9%
Median sales price: $374,008 (+11.8%)
Inventory of homes for sale in March: 347 (+3.6% over March 2023)
Months’ supply of inventory in March: 1.6 (0.0% over March 2023)
Unless otherwise noted, all figures are year-to-date averages for the Richmond Metro area, which includes Chesterfield, Hanover and Henrico counties and the city of Richmond, and were sourced from the March 2024 Central Virginia Regional MLS Report dated April 10. Comparisons reference the year-to-date figures from March 2023.