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Photo courtesy of State Fair of Virginia
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Photo courtesy of State Fair of Virginia
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Photo courtesy of State Fair of Virginia
I am not one to seek glory, but occasionally — very occasionally — it finds me. When it does, I try to be humble, not bandying my titles and prizes about, or lording my position over those upon whom Fortuna did not smile as fondly. Except when it comes to that time in 2010 when I was crowned the State Fair of Virginia’s Biggest Fan. Even typing the words right now, I find myself sitting a little taller at my desk, my pride at being recognized (and rightly so) undeniable and unashamed. So, lest my preening be wasted on idle vanity, I’d like to offer a few tips on making the most of your visit to the Meadow Event Park.
Go on a weekday, when crowds are lighter and lines are shorter. My parents used to pull us out of school to hit the midway, and why not? You can learn long division anytime, but the fair is only here for 10 days.
Don’t ignore the exhibition halls. The rides and games may have more bling, but it’s the prize pumpkins and peach preserves that make the fair a fair, and not just another amusement park. Visit the vendors in the big hall and observe the dying art of hucksterism (the carpet-cleaning booth is riveting to kids).
Skip the novelty food items (fried Pepsi, doughnut burgers, battered candy bars). Fair cuisine is honorable and virtuous and should not be mocked. Maybe I’m defensive — but seriously, wouldn’t you rather have a funnel cake or an Italian sausage? If you’re not a traditionalist, look for the local food trucks — an addition since the move to Caroline County’s Meadow Farm.
Don’t head home too early. Nothing’s as magical as the midway when it’s all lit up, especially when viewed from atop the big Ferris wheel. If you’re lucky enough to have hit perfect “fair weather,” so defined by the State Fair of Virginia’s Biggest Fan 2010, after dark it will be just cool enough for a hoodie (buy a Baja from one of the vendors if you forget to bring one along — you’ll remember the great time you had at the fair whenever you wear it).
The fair runs Sept. 26 to Oct. 5. For a look at the lineup of performers and attractions, see the related article below ("Alligators, Banjos and Magic: A State Fair Preview"). For additional details, visit statefairva.org. —Anne Thomas Soffee