When Theresa Sears began to hear reports of disabled people and older adults being left behind for hours at a time after being taken to doctor’s appointments or the grocery store by some for-profit transportation companies, she decided to turn her own service, Transporting Angels, into a nonprofit called Let’s Go Services in 2017. “It seemed like there were a lot of nightmare stories,” she recalls.
Sears, who grew up in Ireland with four siblings, is a practicing Christian who believes in showing her faith through acts of love and kindness. “We were poor, but we didn’t know it,” she says. “I was raised in a community where you take care of people around you — if you see a need, you try and help. I’ve always felt, because of my faith, that this is what you are supposed to do. You can talk the talk, but I feel like I want to be walking the walk.”
Let’s Go Services is dedicated to offering rides to those in need. “We say we are a transportation company, but we’re not just a transportation company,” Sears says. “If somebody needs to go to the grocery store, we will go in with them if they need help. If we take somebody somewhere, we wait for them. If they need us to go into the appointment with them, we’ll do that.”
Sears stresses the importance of treating those they serve with respect and kindness. “They can go from clients to friends,” she says. “Once they get to know you, they share their stories with you, and you get a peek at history through each of their lives.”
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