Photo by Undefined Media LLC
What do you get when you mix an outbreak of food poisoning, unflattering costumes and bad puns? It’s the uproarious musical comedy “Scrooge in Rouge,” which continues its run at Richmond Triangle Players through Dec. 23.
Presented in a British music hall style — a form of Victorian-era entertainment similar to vaudeville — the production follows a group of actors as they attempt to put on a performance of “A Christmas Carol” in which everything seems to be going wrong. Missed cues, no one to play the role of Tiny Tim and speedy costume changes are just a few of the happenstances they must contend with.
RTP’s refreshed production of the holiday favorite is full of wit and double entendres, directed by Kendall Walker and starring August Hundley, Wette Midler and Nora Ogunleye (pictured above as Scrooge).
Tickets are $45.