(Courtesy Terry Brown)
Contemplating the eight annual "InLight" exhibition on Nov. 13 and 14 on the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts grounds, 1708 Gallery director Emily Smith notes that last year's site of Monroe Park supplied some lessons.
“We have to look at scale in ways we haven’t before,” she says. In a wide, open space, “projects that may seem big in your imagination don’t seem as large when they’re in place.” That won't be a concern for Seattle-based group SuttonBeresCuller and its bright, kinetic Big Top Grand Stand, and Derek Larson, a Seattleite now based in Georgia (who's shown at Richmond's ADA Gallery), will present multi-media projections using mapping technology on mounted 11-foot by 16-foot pieces.
The curated presentation of some 30 works drew from national and regional submissions, selected by Alex Baker of Philadelphia's Fleisher/Ollman Gallery. InLight's installations will surround the VMFA wherever grass and space allow. InLight's guiding principle is that the art feature light, and after that, it's up to the creator. Local contributors include Matt Lively, Eva Rocha and Robert Walz. 7 p.m. Free. 643-1708 or 1708gallery.org.