From childhood radio and TV gigs to Big Brother 3 and now WRIC-8's Good Morning Richmond, Jason Guy shares with us how his style has evolved.
Late 1970s, About Age 2
"This is Jason, baby-style — which was basically anything Mom put me in," Guy says with a laugh. "I remember wearing hard white shoes and onesies. My hair was light, almost blond. It got progressively darker."
Late 1980s, About Age 8
Between younger brother, Josh, and cousin Katie, in Mobile, Ala.: "Apparently, we were a Coca-Cola family," Guy says, adding, "For some reason, we owned a lot of clothes with the Coca-Cola logo."
1990, Age 15
"I got my first taste of television and got bit by the [television] bug." His style then: "Big hair and bold colors." Guy adds that he still has VHS episodes of the Fox 15 Breakfast Club show — "I'm wearing things like purple shirts and neon-green shorts."
2003, Age 26
On the left, with Big Brother All-Stars: "I was living in Los Angeles … my wife misses my long hair. But someone told me, if you want to go far in your career, you have to cut your hair. So as fun and as great and as much as my wife misses it, the lovely locks had to go."
2009, Age 31
"Now, I have two styles. On the air, I'm very classic, conservative; I look the part of the newsman. In life at home, I wear jeans, T-shirts and baseball caps."