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The Clover Hill High School Marching Cavaliers (Photo courtesy Chesterfield County Public Schools)
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Band members hear from WWII vet Earl M. Tatum during a visit to the Virginia War Memorial before their performance at Pearl Harbor. (Photo courtesy Chesterfield County Public Schools)
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Students view an artifact from the USS Arizona at the Virginia War Memorial. (Photo courtesy Chesterfield County Public Schools)
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Photo courtesy Chesterfield County Public Schools
The Clover Hill Marching Cavaliers, the marching band at Clover Hill High School in Midlothian, has been selected to perform in the 75th Anniversary Pearl Harbor Mass Band Dec. 7 in Honolulu, Hawaii. The performance marks the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, which led to the United States' entry into World War II. The band will perform with 1,200 other student musicians from across the country on the pier of the battleship USS Missouri.
In order to be selected to perform, the band submitted an application, video of their performances, biography and a picture. The band has been practicing 10 different musical compositions that the mass band will perform together.
Prior to departure, the band visited the Virginia War Memorial for a World War II Pacific Seminar to learn more about the Pearl Harbor attack. They also toured the Shrine of Memories, viewed letters from the World War II era and met with World War II veterans.
Ilan Chueca, a junior at Clover Hill High, was chosen as first-chair tenor saxophone for the Pearl Harbor 75th Anniversary Honor Band. The honor band is a prestigious group of musicians from the Hawaiian islands and across the United States. During the celebration, the honor band will perform at a gala to celebrate the Pearl Harbor survivors.
Upon arrival to Hawaii, the band will be welcomed by Col. Arnald Gabriel, the commander and conductor of the U.S. Air Force Band and a member of the U.S. Army forces that stormed the beaches of Normandy during World War II.
The Marching Cavaliers have been designated 11 times as a Commonwealth of Virginia Honor Band. Throughout the last 25 years, the band has performed nationally and internationally and has received commendations for exceptional accomplishments and superior musicianship from the Chesterfield Country Board of Supervisors, Virginia’s General Assembly and the governor of Virginia.
To watch the live stream of the performance at 5 p.m. on Dec. 7, go to www.channel808.tv.