Folks in River City have a reputation for fighting change. There's even a joke about it: How many Richmonders does it take to change a light bulb? Four — one to change the bulb and three to talk about how much better the old one was. We decided to rewrite that tired old punchline with the help of local comedians from the 9:55 Club, the ComedySportz Improv Theatre and the Funny Bone Club.
"None, because in Richmond you can't turn left."
—Greg Smith
"None — the light bulb in question was just named a historic landmark, and a team of light-bulbologists is being called in to restore it to its original condition."
—Ray Bullock
"I don't know how many Richmonders it takes to change the light bulb. I just think it's funny that as long as the light was out and in need of repair, the light was in Richmond.But as soon as it's replaced, looks good and is in good working condition, it's in Chesterfield."
—Odyssey Michaels
"One thousand — one to change the bulb and 999 to complain about how there's nothing to do around here."
—Gary Robertson