Wide Open Spaces
Pages 48-55
Bookcase, fabricated by Dave Freeburger of Freeburger Custom Cabinetry ( freeburgercustomcabinetry.com )
Page 50
Arc lamp, Shades of Light ( shadesoflight.com )
Wing chair fabric, Cowtan and Tout ( cowtan.com )
Sofa, Leo Burke Furniture ( leoburke.com )
Lucite bench, Plexi-craft ( plexi-craft.com )
Bench fabric, David Hicks from Lee Jofa ( leejofa.com )
Pages 50-51
Record player, Target ( target.com )
Rug, Pirouzan Oriental Rugs (353-6808)
Bookshelves, Pottery Barn ( potterybarn.com )
Pages 54-55
Kitchen island, fabricated by Vangarde Woodworks ( vangarde.com ) [in association with Franko-LaFratta Construction, frankolafratta.com ], with a reclaimed base cabinet and surplus birch door used for the top
Chairs, Ikea ( ikea.com )
Stool, hand-painted by Anne Kinnard
Pitcher on top of cabinets, Waterford ( waterford.com )
Bowl, Simon Pearce ( simonpearce.com )
Page 55
Dining room table, Sears circa 1960 Bench, The Charles Stewart Company ( charlesstewartcompany.com )
Bench fabric, Lee Jofa velvet stripe ( leejofa.com )