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Photo by Sarah Walor
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Photo by Sarah Walor
I am constantly on a mission to get more organized and gain a little control over the chaos. If you are looking for a pretty place to hang up your notes, pictures and take-out menus, this corkboard is the project for you.
Supplies You'll Need:
• Two picture frames
• One roll
of cork
• Foam core board (optional, but if your cork is very thin, this will help to reinforce it)
• Paint
• Spray
adhesive (such as 3M Super 77)
• Stencil (or painter's tape)
• Foam stencil brush
• X-ACTO knife
• Metal ruler
• Scissors
1. Decide on your color scheme and frames. I chose to keep my frame and paint the same color, but you don't have to. Make sure the frames are large enough to pin up a few things at once.
2. Roll out the cork. It will be easier to work with if you do this the night before, so it can flatten out.
3. Remove the glass from the picture frames. Use the back insert of the frame as a template to trace the correct-size rectangle (or square) on the cork, and cut it out. To get a precision cut, use an X-ACTO knife and a metal ruler. If the cork is very thin, you can mount it onto a piece of foam core board cut the same size, using the spray adhesive.
4. Paint a design onto the cork. Use the spray adhesive to affix your stencil to the cork. Then use the foam stencil brush to apply the paint to the cork. Use only a small amount of paint so that it doesn't bleed under the stencil. Depending on the size of your stencil, you may have to do this step more than once to cover the whole piece of cork.
5. Put the painted cork pieces into the frames. Re-attach the frame backings. Now all you need are some cute pushpins, and you are ready to go!