One of the fun things about working for a magazine is that we can call pretty much anyone in our coverage zone and talk to them. Admittedly in the past we’ve had trouble getting in touch with Gov. Glenn Youngkin, but Sen. Tim Kaine takes our calls — and so do countless business owners, executives, experts, entertainers, museum curators, medical professionals, restaurateurs and regular people who happen to have interesting hobbies. Most people who have questions turn to the internet; we publishing people call and ask, journalism giving us license to unbridle our curiosity.
When Lauren Vincelli heard a rumor that Redemption BBQ in Short Pump, lauded by Southern Living for its ’cue, also has amazing deep-dish pizza, she went to ask; her findings are on Page 86. D. Hunter Reardon read that sturgeon are successfully spawning in the James River but their population isn’t growing, so he consulted a scientist at VCU and shares the explanation on Page 20. And it’s not just locals on our calling list: Davy Jones asked members of the Los Angeles-based jazz band the Yellowjackets about their new music merely on the strength of their upcoming visit to Richmond (Page 36).
I tasked writer Ian M. Stewart with tracking down a more general query: What’s up with Petersburg? I had heard the historic hotel was finally reopening (it did last month), we’ve reported that pharmaceutical companies are flocking to the area and, of course, in November the city voted to welcome a casino. In an article that satiates my need to know for now, Ian reports that Petersburg itself is not only up, but rising fast (Page 58).
News editor Mark Newton attended appointments with the incoming and outgoing mayors of Richmond last month armed with a slew of questions. He asked Danny Avula how being a doctor prepared him to be mayor and wondered what Levar Stoney would have done with more time in City Hall. Their answers to those questions and many more start on Page 70.
What’s up with that kava place on Main Street? Who’s taking over at the ICA? Are people really using film cameras again? And sewing is back, too? How do you get funding for arts projects, anyway? Is it true there aren’t enough farm veterinarians? Or X-ray technicians? Have you heard young adults don’t drink much? Those are just a few of the questions we answer in this issue. If there’s something you’d like to know, email us at editor [at] richmag [dot] com.