Ted & Co. TheaterWorks will be at First Mennonite Church of Richmond on Sunday, Oct. 19, at 7 p.m to present Listening for Grace. This new play by Ted Swartz is a funny, powerful, poignant performance that gives voice to the fears and hopes when a faith community engages in questions around same-sex relationships. A father’s journey, a church’s struggle, a search for commonality. It's free, but tickets are requested: Register here.
According to the description by Ted & Co., "This play has no agenda and doesn't claim to have answers. Instead, it’s a play that takes seriously the idea that the church is a community of people on a journey. This play is about journeying with Daryl [the main character] as he wrestles with questions of life and faith and, most important, we hope this play will encourage audiences to engage in conversation, to tell a great story and to help us think beyond what we first imagined ... as we listen for grace."
The website Listening for Grace includes links to commentary about the show, including this post on the Harrisonburg blog Old South High. Andrew Jenner writes, "If you’re a new parent, if you’re a current or former or potential church-goer for whatever reason, if you’re in need of a laugh about St. Augustine the Hippo ... if you’re interested in sexuality’s relationship to religion in general, if you’re simply into supporting local performing arts, whatever: Go."