Photo by Adam Ewing; photo illustration by Justin Vaughan and Sarah Barton
78 / Share and Share Alike
After 50 years, the ideals behind Central Virginia’s Twin Oaks community still exerta powerful pull. By Gary Robertson
82 / Solving Richmond’s Money Problem
With an eye on budget season, we break down the cash-strapped city’s revenue sources and consider strategies to increase funds. By Mark Robinson
88 / Top Doctors
See which medical professionals top the list in our annual survey. For the first time, we surveyed nurse practitioners as well as doctors.
22 / From the Editor
36 / Q&A VSU President Makola M. Abdullah sees cause for optimism.
40 / Flashback ‘Dean of city planners’ Harland Bartholomew’s mixed legacy By Harry Kollatz Jr.
44 / Two Takes Contrasting views on health care reform By Drs. Harry L. Gewanter and John O’Bannon
224 / Flip to the Back Peter Chang’s best day ever
49 / Datebook A musical celebration of Carole King’s life, a 24-hour theater marathon and RVA’s first literary crawl
53 / Q&A Brazilian-born artist Romero Britto discusses his whimsical work.
54 / Spotlight At the Reynolds Gallery, an exhibition makes decades-old work by the late Jerry Donato feel brand-new.
56 / Profile Pianist/composer Gerald Clayton gives a musical education on the Piedmont blues.
61 / Shop Talk Coveralls and aprons that are stylish and functional64 Style Bohemian décor adds an exotic touch to your patio.
66 / Family Meet the Blended 7.
70 / Beauty Exfoliate your face with a dermaplaning.
72 / Picture This An evening at the Elbys and the Governor’s Cup Gala
205 / Review Wong Gonzalez
207 / Quick Take Mesopotamia Delicatessen
208 / Five Faves The best plates for spring greening
210 / Behind the Scenes Dining in Richmond’s private clubs
212 / Try This One dozen colorful ways to eat eggs in RVA
214 / Ingredient Freshen up with parsley, stems and all.
220 / Food Stuffs The life and times of the South of the James Market By Stephanie Breijo
149 / Changes along Cary Street
154 / Fashion-forward looks for sunny spring days
166 / Map and directory
The Grocery Issue
6 / Store Wars The state of Richmond’s shifting grocery scene, and where it’s headed
12 / Feeding the Neighborhood Church Hill’s new mixed-use development could bring aid to an East End food desert.
16 / Strip-Mall Secrets Some of the area’s best markets and food finds are hiding in plain sight.
18 / Pro Picks The on-the-shelf items chefs can’t live without — plus, a recipe or two
20 / Dining Listing Where to eat and drink in RVA
40 / Last Call Plastic bags, be gone. Here are stylish, locally made totes worth taking to market, to market.